Core Progression Exercises


These exercises will take you through 3 stages to progressively increase strength in your core. There are 8 pages included with this download. It starts with easy exercises and connecting to your Transverse Abdominis (TA) which is your deepest abdominal muscle and good to start working, even right after birth or after some kind of injury. As the exercises increase in difficulty, more muscles of your core will get pulled in and get challenged. This does not directly cover pelvic floor involvement, but the pelvic floor is good to include. Through the free downloads (Basic Pelvic Floor Education for Women Part 1 & 2), you can get more information about your pelvic floor and how to work your pelvic floor within your pressure management system.

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These exercises will take you through 3 stages to progressively increase strength in your core. There are 8 pages included with this download. It starts with easy exercises and connecting to your Transverse Abdominis (TA) which is your deepest abdominal muscle and good to start working, even right after birth or after some kind of injury. As the exercises increase in difficulty, more muscles of your core will get pulled in and get challenged. This does not directly cover pelvic floor involvement, but the pelvic floor is good to include. Through the free downloads (Basic Pelvic Floor Education for Women Part 1 & 2), you can get more information about your pelvic floor and how to work your pelvic floor within your pressure management system.

These exercises will take you through 3 stages to progressively increase strength in your core. There are 8 pages included with this download. It starts with easy exercises and connecting to your Transverse Abdominis (TA) which is your deepest abdominal muscle and good to start working, even right after birth or after some kind of injury. As the exercises increase in difficulty, more muscles of your core will get pulled in and get challenged. This does not directly cover pelvic floor involvement, but the pelvic floor is good to include. Through the free downloads (Basic Pelvic Floor Education for Women Part 1 & 2), you can get more information about your pelvic floor and how to work your pelvic floor within your pressure management system.

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