Pregnancy (& Postpartum) Exercises Quadruped & Seated
This is one of the exercise PDFs/videos available in the “Pregnancy (& Postpartum) Exercises & Stretches 3 PDFs and 3 videos” download available.
The PDF has exercises in quadruped (hands and knees) and seated that can help with pregnancy aches and pains as well as prepping for birth. The stretches and movements can help with breathing and balance as your baby continues to grow as well. Often it is good to practice in quadruped (hands and knees) or sitting on a Swiss ball or pregnancy ball prior to labor. This way you can get comfortable and confident in these positions to give more options for positions to use during labor. (There is another download available with suggested exercises on a Swiss ball.) Even though they are labeled as pregnancy exercises, these exercises are helpful to start back with postpartum as well. They can be a simple and familiar way to help you start to reconnect with your core (your TA muscle, diaphragm, and pelvic floor muscles) as you are healing and progressing back into other exercises and activities.
This is one of the exercise PDFs/videos available in the “Pregnancy (& Postpartum) Exercises & Stretches 3 PDFs and 3 videos” download available.
The PDF has exercises in quadruped (hands and knees) and seated that can help with pregnancy aches and pains as well as prepping for birth. The stretches and movements can help with breathing and balance as your baby continues to grow as well. Often it is good to practice in quadruped (hands and knees) or sitting on a Swiss ball or pregnancy ball prior to labor. This way you can get comfortable and confident in these positions to give more options for positions to use during labor. (There is another download available with suggested exercises on a Swiss ball.) Even though they are labeled as pregnancy exercises, these exercises are helpful to start back with postpartum as well. They can be a simple and familiar way to help you start to reconnect with your core (your TA muscle, diaphragm, and pelvic floor muscles) as you are healing and progressing back into other exercises and activities.
This is one of the exercise PDFs/videos available in the “Pregnancy (& Postpartum) Exercises & Stretches 3 PDFs and 3 videos” download available.
The PDF has exercises in quadruped (hands and knees) and seated that can help with pregnancy aches and pains as well as prepping for birth. The stretches and movements can help with breathing and balance as your baby continues to grow as well. Often it is good to practice in quadruped (hands and knees) or sitting on a Swiss ball or pregnancy ball prior to labor. This way you can get comfortable and confident in these positions to give more options for positions to use during labor. (There is another download available with suggested exercises on a Swiss ball.) Even though they are labeled as pregnancy exercises, these exercises are helpful to start back with postpartum as well. They can be a simple and familiar way to help you start to reconnect with your core (your TA muscle, diaphragm, and pelvic floor muscles) as you are healing and progressing back into other exercises and activities.
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